% % % % % % % % % % % $trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. $Macintosh and QuickTime are registered % % $Xerox Corporation. $© 1988-1991 Microlytics, Inc., Selfware, Inc., $licensed from InfoSoft International, Inc. $WordFinder® Electronic Thesaurus software % % $Corporation. $© 1986-1993 Microlytics, Inc., Xerox $licensed from InfoSoft International, Inc. $Spelling correction/verification software % % $U.S. Patent No. 5,123,087. $Portions licensed by Ashlar, Inc. under % % $All Rights Reserved. $Computer Aided Systems for Engineering $Portions © 1994 Craig S. Young, % % % % % Bobbi Zink Beng Kong Yap Trevoli Welch Sue Warner Joanna Terry Larry Slotnick Christyne Sisk Rajeev Rai Melissa Piper Jon Perr Brian =Beech= Parry Rum Ngo Paul Lee Jay Lee Naren Iyer Bob Hunter April Frederick Tony Fernandes Evan Estrada Ed Endyke Bill Champ Mike Brors %Special Thanks % % % Tony Jackson %Training % % % Vincent Wood Scott Hartman Peter Haase Germaine Brown %Technical Support % % % Megan Thomas Rose Buss Simone Cox Maria Bartelt %Publications % % % Michael Sanabria %Product Marketing % % % Nick Triantos Noelle Tardieu Leela Srinivasan Rufina Roytman Michael Phillips James Kinoshita Rodney Furmanski Van Bolton Martin Anderson %Quality Assurance % % % Craig Young Mark Womack Nick Triantos Johny Sutardji Kiran Shamrao Tom Keller Marie Hunter Charlie Good Paul George %Development